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The WGT: Water Generating Train System

Chris Webster

Design of Silver Award
Single Industrial Design from Cal State University,
Long Beach.

China has one of the highest populations in the world, and one of the biggest rail networks to match it. The proposed system augments this network to benefit the citizens and the environment itself without creating any extra pollution, to solve water accessibility issues as well as capacity problems due to cultural events like Spring Festival travel.

Most ideas to get more clean water require very expensive infrastructure. This solution leverages the rail network to generate water by pulling it from the air at a fraction of the price to alleviate the problem. A high speed train is mated with an atmospheric water generator and fills local reservoirs as it docks in station.

Now that we’ve found a new water source, let’s create decentralized kiosks available anywhere that foster stewardship of this resource by making it tangible. These many kiosks eliminate overcapacity on ticketing systems and provide wireless internet to bring people together across distances.

This system connects people to their environment in a sustainable fashion. The train interfaces with air, booths interface with the people. With more awareness of the world, wiser decisions can be made.

Competition Organizing Committee


Add:CRRC Qingdao Sifang Co., Ltd.